
Highlights Victor’s powers in Dead by Daylight’s The Twins are being reverted to give Survivors more of a fighting chance. Changes are being made to prevent Victor from latching onto dying Survivors, providing players with a fighting edge. The Twins are still a challenging duo to control, but adjustments are…

In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past 12 hours or so, pop superstar Taylor Swift unleashed a double album on the world, and as a Swiftie, it is my moral obligation to be deeply annoying about it. I’m not here to review the album though, but…

Highlights PS Plus Premium already offers PS1, PS2, PS3, and PSP games. PSP fighting games in particular offer a rich library of content worth exploring, but many fighting fans never experienced them since the titles remain trapped on an outdated handheld system. PS Plus Premium is the ideal place for…

Roblox Legacy Piece will take you to the exciting world of pirates based on One Piece. But unlike similar Roblox titles that offer monotonous grind, this one has various quests, interesting progression, and a good storyline. Therefore, to help you get used to the main features, in this guide, we…
